CS522 Advanced Database Systems

Winter 2011

Lectures TR 9:50am - 11:30am
E&T A210
Chengyu Sun, csun@calstatela.edu
Office Hours
TR 2-4pm, in E&T A317

  • 3/9 - Office hours on 3/10 will be changed to 3:00pm to 4:30pm.
  • 3/9 - The final will be in E&T A406.
  • 3/7 - Final will be from 8:30am to 10:30am on Thursday, March 17. The room is TBD.
  • 2/2 - Midterm will be from 9:50am to 11:20am on Thursday, February 10 in E&T A210.
Lecture Notes Assignments
Additional Course Materials