- 05/18 - Please turn in your files for the three presentations, the project report, and the class project using the turnin server by June 9, 2005. In
particular, for the class project, you must turn in all the source code
and documentation, including a README file which details how to compile
and run your project. Note that file
uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM
of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.
- 05/17 - The schedule for the final presentations is posted here. Note that the final
presentation is equivalent to the final exam in other courses, so
everybody must attend regardless of whether you are going to present or
- 05/17 - The demo schedule is posted here. The demos will be held in my
office at E&T A317. Please show up on time.
- 03/28 - I will check
attendance starting from week 2. There
will be a penalty of half a grade point for every two class meetings