Homework 5
CS520, Fall 2011

Due: Thursday, November 17

Package all the source files of your project into a zip file as you did in Homework 1 and upload the zip file to CSNS. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.

[Rubrics for CSNS2]

Continue to work on Rubrics for CSNS2 and implement the following functions. A short video here may help you to understand some of requirements.

This assignment builds on top of your work in the previous assignments (including the test cases created in the database script csns-test-insert.sql). so make sure that all the functions from the previous assignments work properly; otherwise you will not receive any credit.

1. (20pt) Email.

When a user other than the original author of a rubric edits the rubric, the original author should receive an email notification. The email should include the name of the rubric, the username of the user who edited the rubric, and the time when the rubric was edited.

Follows the instructions here to set up an Email server on your computer to test your code.

2. (20pt) View Submission Page.

From the instructor's home page, an instructor may click on an assignment, and then click on a student to see the student's submission to the assignment. Currently the View Submission page is missing. Create this page so that it displays the assignment name, the student's name, the files uploaded by the student, the grade and the comments, and the rubric scores of the student if there are rubrics associated with this assignment. For example:

CS520 Midterm

Student: John Doe


Name Version Size Timestamp
Presentation.ppt 2 124566 2011-11-01 19:00:01
Code.zip 1 456789 2011-11-01 19:20:21

Grade: 100


Very good.


Logical Organization English Language Technical Vocabulary
Oral Communication 2 3 2

3. (30pt) Enter grade and comments.

Allow the instructor to enter a grade and some comments using in-place editing with Jeditable. Use the following URL to include Jeditable on the page:


4. (30pt) Enter rubric scores.

Clicking on a rubric should take the instructor to a page where the instructor can rate the student's performance in each criterion. For example:

CS520 Midterm

Student: John Doe

Rubric: Oral Communication

1 2 3
Logical Organization

Poor organization. Introduction and main points are undeveloped.

Satisfactory organization; good introduction and conclusion; transitions are somewhat sudden; points are often not made clearly.

Superb organization in logical sequence that is easily understood by the audience. Clear introduction; main points well stated with good transitions; clear summary and conclusion.
English Language
... ...

... ...

... ...
Technical Vocabulary
... ...

... ...

... ....

Note that the quality descriptions for each criterion must be displayed, and the ratings must be entered using radio buttons (as oppose to asking the instructor to enter the numbers directly).

5. (+30pt) Extra Credit

When a user edits a rubric, allow the user to reorder the criteria using Ajax Drag and Drop.

[About Submission and Grading]

Before submitting your work, commit all the changes to your Subversion repository and create a tag.

To test your project, we will use the following SQL scripts in your zip file to create, populate, and then clear the database:

Please make sure that these scripts are up to date and can be run in their entirety without any errors.