[Rubrics for CSNS2]
Continue your work in Homework 3 and implement the following features. Feel free to change your model classes if necessary.
1. (15pt) List all rubrics.
Add a new link Rubrics under the CSNS top menu Resources. For this assignment, you may assume that only users who are already logged in can access this link.
Clicking on the link should take the user to a page where all the rubrics are listed. For each rubric, display the name of the rubric, the number of criteria in the rubric, the rating scale, and the name of the user who created the rubric.2.(15pt) Display a selected rubric.
When a user clicks on the name of a rubric in the rubric listing, the application should display the details of the rubric, as shown in Homework 2.
3. (40pt) Add new rubrics.
4. (40pt) Edit Rubrics.
Allow users to edit rubrics. Specifically, the following functions should be implemented:
The user interface design is up to you. Good user interface design will receive up to 30pt extra credit after the whole project is completed at the end of the quarter. Particularly bad UI design will receive extra penalty. Note that a good UI design is not necessarily fancy or colorful, but it has to be functional, intuitive, convenient, and pleasant.
[About Submission and Grading]
Before submitting your work, commit all the changes to your Subversion repository and create a tag.
To test your project, we will use the following SQL scripts in your zip file to create, populate, and then clear the database:
Please make sure that these scripts are up to date and can be run in their entirety without any errors.