Environmental Sustainability and Pollution Control Research Lab
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
California State University - Los Angeles

ESPC Research Lab: Our research focuses on developing sustainable engineering solutions for air and water pollution prevention and control, quantifying air quality and climate effects of various natural and human-made emissions, integrated environmental impact assessment, environmental sustainability, and energy-water-climate nexus.

Associate Professor
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: E&T A-216
Phone: (323) 343-4453
Email: akhoday@calstatela.edu
Dr. Khodayari is the founding director of Environmental Sustainability and Pollution Control (ESPC) research lab and her research is focused on developing sustainable engineering solutions for air and water pollution prevention and control, quantifying air quality and climate effects of various natural and human-made emissions, integrated environmental impact assessment, environmental sustainability, and energy-water-climate nexus.
- 2013-2015: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
- 2013: Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
- 2010: M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
- 2007: M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- 2004: B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Research Publications
Research Projects
# | Title | |
1 | Investigation of the impact of climate change on fire danger over the contiguous United States | |
2 | Evaluating the effectiveness of Hydrothermal Chimneys to capture and sequester CO2 | |
3 | Quantifying air quality and climate impacts of aviation emissions using 3-Dimentional climate models | |
4 | Assessment of pollution transport and quantification of its health burden in Los Angeles | |
5 | Phosphate removal from wastewater using Green Rust as an adsorbent | |
6 | Competitive adsorption of Nitrate and Phosphate on synthesized Iron Hydroxide minerals used for wastewater treatment purposes | |
7 | Development of an Environmental Energy Portfolio Management Tool for Cal State LA |

Assistant Professor
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: E&T A-216
Phone: (323) 343-4453
Email: akhoday@calstatela.edu
Dr. Khodayari is the founding director of Environmental Sustainability and Pollution Control (ESPC) research lab and her research is focused on developing sustainable engineering solutions for air and water pollution prevention and control, quantifying air quality and climate effects of various natural and human-made emissions, integrated environmental impact assessment, environmental sustainability, and energy-water-climate nexus.
- 2013-2015: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
- 2013: Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
- 2010: M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
- 2007: M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- 2004: B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
ESPC Research Lab Team

2019 Team
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Faculty advisor for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit educational and service organization. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and receive the recognition and credit for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders.
As a faculty advisor for SWE Dr. Khodayari helps the organization to access university resources and ensures that the organization is meeting all university requirements, and further helps students to navigate how to make the most of their college experience and reach their goals.
Faculty advisor for ASCE Environmental Competition Team
Dr. Khodayari does co-advise the ASCE Environmental Competition Team with Dr. Menezes.
Environmental competition team aims to design a water treatment system that can remove a combination of various contaminants typically found in wastewater.
If you are interested to join the competition team, send me an email, and I would be happy to discuss the possibility.
Click here to find more information about our competition teams.
Environmental Mass Transfer
Environmental Transport
Environmental Engineering I
Environmental Engineering II
Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Interested in joining ESPC?
We are constantly seeking highly motivated and energetic individuals to work with us. To express your interest, please fill out the Contact Form or email Dr.Khodayari at akhoday@calstatela.edu directly. Should an opportunity become available that aligns with your interests, ESPC will reach out to you.
ESPC lab is located on the 2nd floor of ECST Building, California State University - Los Angeles.
ESPC Research Lab
Room # ET A-216
Depatment of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
California State University - Los Angeles
Phone: (323) 343-4453
Email: akhoday@calstatela.edu