CS520, Summer 2008
Please upload your midterm presentation slides to CSNS.
One submission
from each group is sufficient. Note that file
uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM
of the due date, so please
turn in your work on time.
Midterm presentations will be group presentations,
and each group should consist
three or four students. Each group must choose to present one of the
listed in the Topics section. Each group member must present
at least
10 minutes, and each
presentation must be at least 30 minutes and no more than 45 minutes.
Please let me know what topic you choose by Wednesday, July 23.
Topic selection
is first-come-first-serve.
And here are some of the things I'll look for in each
- Understanding of the topic, not just the part you present.
- Presentation skills, i.e. the way you stand, talk, answer
questions, and interact
with the audience.
- Time management.
Total points for the midterm presentation is 20, half of which is for
the presentation as a whole, and the other half is for individual
- 3:10PM, Monday, July 28
- Aditya, Prashant, Smith, Thuy
Duong - GWT
- Ankur, Pratik, Bhoomi - YUI
- 3:10PM, Wednesday, July 30
1. Yahoo
UI Library (YUI)
- Overview
- Brief comparison with competing solutions
- Technical details
- Usage examples in a Java EE application
2. Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
- Overview
- Brief comparison with competing solutions
- Technical details
- Examples
3. JavaServer
Faces (JSF)
- Overview
- Brief comparison with competing solutions
- Technical details
- Development tools and examples
4. Flex
- Overview
- Brief comparison with competing solutions
- Technical details
- Development tools and examples
5. Java
Annotations (for three-person group only)
- Overview
- Examples
- Usage in Hibernate mapping