CS491A, Summer 2008
Due: Friday, July 11
Please upload your project proposal to CSNS. Note
that file
uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM
of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.
project proposal should be in PDF or MS Word format, with size 12
fonts, 1.5 line spacing, and 1 in margin on each side. You may write as
many pages (or as few pages) as you want, as long as the proposal
provides the following information:
- A title for the project. Try come up with a title that is
informative and unique. For example, if you want to develop a mod for
the computer game Neverwinter Nights, name your project something like
"King Maker: A Computer Game Mod for Neverwinter Nights ", instead of
a generic title like "A Game Mod".
- A general description of the project, including what it is
and why you are interested in doing it. If you plan to base your
project on an existing application/platform/engine, a brief description
of the application/platform/engine should be included.
- A list of functions/features/components you will implement.
The list should be as detailed as possible, as it shows that you have a
clear vision of what you wan to do.
- A weekly plan for this quarter, including what you will deliver by the end of this quarter.
- A general plan for next quarter, including what you will deliver by the end of next quarter.
Note that although the proposal is due at the end of the fourth week, it
does not mean you should wait until the fifth week to start you
project. Once you are settled on your project idea, you should start
working on it as soon as possible.