Lab 1. Normalization and SQL
CS422, Summer 2005

[Normalization] (5pt) Please write down your answers to the following questions on a piece of paper, and show it to the instructor before you proceed to the SQL section.

Consider the relation Students(student_id, student_name, quarter, course, course_grade, assignment, assignment_grade, club_membership), which record the information about students, the courses they take, the grades they get, and their student club memberships. The following table shows some sample data for this relation:

student_id student_name quarter course course_grade assignment assignment_grade club_membership
1001 Joe F05 CS422 D HW1 10 ACM
1001 Joe F05 CS422 D HW2 34 Chess
1001 Joe X05 CS422 B HW1 80 ACM
1002 Sue F05 CS122 A HW1 90 ACM
1002 Sue F05 CS122 A HW2 100 ACM

Note that a student may take the same course multiple times, and a course may have several assignments.

1. Identify the nontrivial FD(s) and MVD(s) in the Students relation.

2. Identify the key(s) of the Students relation

3. Is Students in 3NF? If not, decompose it into 3NF.

4. Are the relations you get in (3) in BCNF? For the ones that are not, decompose them into BCNF.

5. Are the relations you get in (4) in 4NF? For the ones that are not, decompose them into 4NF.

[SQL] (5pt) Please upload an SQL script lab1.sql using the online turnin server. The script should include all the queries you complete for this assignment. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 7:40PM, so please turn in your work on time.

Use the Oracle Human Resource (HR) sample schema to complete the following queries. For Q1 to Q5, the employee names should be in the form of <last_name,first_name> and are ordered by last name in ascending order. A sample output of the queries is available here.

Q1. List the names of the employees whose salary (excluding commisions) is above 10,000.

Q2. List the names of the employees who have worked for the company for more than 10 years.

Q3. List the names of the employees who are managers, e.g. their job title has the word "Manager" in it.

Q4. List the names of the employees who have worked more than one job in the company.

Q5. List the names of the employees whose salary is above the average for their job title. Note that the average salary for a particular job title can be calculated by averaging the min_salary and max_salary listed in the Jobs relation.

Q6. List the names of the departments that are located in Europe.

Q7. List the names of the departments that have more than 10 employees.

Q8. List the names of the top 3 departments that have the highest average employee salary.

Q9. List the average employee salary in each region. Output -1 for a region if there are no employees working in that region.