Homework 0
Summer 2005
Due: Tuesday, June 28
Please put all the SQL statements in a script file and upload it using
the online
turnin server.
Note that file
uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM
of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.
[CREATE TABLE ] (10pt) Create the following three tables in the
database with proper attribute types
and constraints (primary key,
foreign key, and not null).
- Senators ( senator_id, first_name, last_name, state, party )
- Bills ( bill_id, bill_name )
- Votes( senator_id, bill_id, vote ), note that vote could be Yes, No, Abstain.
[INSERT] (10pt) Use INSERT statements to populate the tables with some
data so that each table has at least four records.
[SELECT] (20pt) Complete the following queries:
- Find the state which senator Hillary Clinton represents.
- Find the names of the bills on which Senator Hillary Clinton has
voted Yes.
- Find the number of Republican senators in the Senate.
- Find the names of the bills which have been passed, e.g. the
bills that have more Yes votes on them than No votes.