CS422 Summer 2005

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[Schema] Download the following scripts:
Run the hr8_main.sql script, which will create and populate a number of tables as shown in Figure 1.

Human Resource Schema
Figure 1. Human Resource (HR) Tables

You will use these tables to solve the problems in the exam. If you want to remove the tables from your schema, simply run the script hr8_drop.sql.

[SQL]  Complete the following SQL queries:

Q1. (5pt) List the name(s) of the employee(s) who do not have a manager.
Q2. (5pt) Find the name of the department that has the most employees.
Q3. (10pt) Find the number of employees managed directly or indirectly by Neena Kochhar.
Q4. (10pt) List the id('s) of the employee(s) who have worked in more than one country.

[Stored Procedures] (20pt) Implement a stored procedure which takes an employee id as parameter and removes the employee from the database. In particular, the procedure first checks whether the employee has a manager, and if not, the procedure outputs a message "Cannot remove the president." and terminates; otherwise, the procedure performs the following operations (and for clarity, we will refer to the employee to be removed as E, and his or her manager as M):
[Triggers] Use triggers to enforces the following constraints:
[Client Application] (20pt) Write a Java program which looks up the database for employee emails and phone numbers. In particular, the program takes a string from user input, and outputs the name, email, and phone number of the employee(s) whose first name and/or last name fully or partially match the input string in a case-insensitive manner. For example, if the input string is "john", the program should output the following:

John Chen, JCHEN, 515.124.4269
John Seo, JSEO, 650.121.2019
John Russell, JRUSSEL, 011.44.1344.429268
Charles Johnson, CJOHNSON, 011.44.1644.429262

[Extra Credit] (30pt) Write the hibernate mapping files for the following Java classes so that if you run the hbm2ddl (a.k.a. SchemaExport) utility, the generated schema is exactly the same as the one shown in employees.ddl.