CS320 Web and Internet Programming

Winter 2014

Sections Section 1:  M 1:30pm - 3:10pm (Lecture), W 1:30pm - 4:00pm (Lab)
Section 2:  T 1:30pm - 3:10pm (Lecture), R 1:30pm - 4:00pm (Lab)
Section 3:  F 8:00am - 9:40am (Lecture), F 9:40am - 12:10pm (Lab)
E&T A309 (Section 1 & 2), E&T A220 (Section 3)
Chengyu Sun, csun@calstatela.edu
Office Hours
MT 3:30-5pm or by appointment, in E&T A317
Teaching Assistant Eric Liao, rcliao01@gmail.com, Office Hours: WR 4:30-6pm in E&T A309
Alice Tian, xtian@calstatela.edu, Office Hours: R 10am-noon in E&T A317

  • Final Schedule
    • Section 1: 1:30-4pm, Monday, March 17
    • Section 2: 1:30-4pm, Tuesday, March 18
    • Section 3: 9:30am-noon, Friday, March 21. Officially it's 8-10:30am, but we should have the room until around 1pm, so we can schedule it to a more convenient time.
Lecture Notes Assignments
Additional Course Materials