Please upload your files to CSNS. The files should include all the source code, documentation (optional), and a text file hw4.txt, which contains detailed instructions on how to compile and run your program on the CS3 server. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.
1. Decision Tree Classification (30pt)
Write a program to evaluate the Decision Tree classifier you implemented in Homework 3. Your program should take the name of an input file as a command line parameter, e.g.
java DecisionTreeClassify <inputFile>
The input file will be in the ARFF format with only categorical attributes like The output of your program should be the overall accuracy of the classifier based on 10-fold cross validation.
2. Naive Bayesian Classification (60pt)
Implement a Naive Bayesian classifier and evaluates its accuracy using 10-fold cross validation:
java NaiveBayesianClassify <inputFile>
The input file will be in the ARFF format with only categorical attributes like The output of the program should be the overall accuracy of the classifier based on 10-fold cross validation.
3. Compare Classifiers (20pt)
Write a program to compare the two classifiers you implemented using 10-fold cross validation and t-test:
java CompareClassifiers <inputFile>
The input file contains the data, and the output of the program should be the t Statistic for the accuracy difference between the two classifiers, and whether the accuracy difference is statistically significant based on t-test with the significance level α=0.05.