CS320, Winter 2012

Please upload your files to CSNS. The files should include all the source code, documentation (if any), and an HTML file final.html which contains a link to your application deployed on the CS3 server. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 10:00PM, and late submission will not be accepted.

In this exam you are going to create a web application that helps the CS department to manage the office hours of the instructors.

[Display Office Hours]

The main page of the application displays all the office hours as shown below:

Add an Instructor | Add Office Hours

 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:00 Pamula     Pamula  
12:00-13:00     Yang    
13:00-14:00   Crespi
14:00-15:00   Crespi   Crespi  
15:00-16:00 Pamula
16:00-17:00 Sun        

[Add Instructors]

A user may click on the link Add an Instructor to add a new instructor. For example:

Instructor's Name:

Clicking on the Add button should save the instructor's name to the database and take the user back to the main page. For simplicity we will assume that each instructor's name is unique.

[Add Office Hours]

A user may click on the link Add Office Hours to add an office hour for an instructor. For example:

Office Hours:

Clicking on the Add button should add the instructor's office hour to the database and take the user back to the main page.


Your application must use a database to store the instructors and the office hours. You must submit an SQL script file  final.sql file which contains the statements to create all the tables for the application. 

In your application, servlets (if you use any) cannot be used to generate HTML content, and no scripting elements are allowed in JSP pages. For simplicity, we assume that all user input are correct so you do not need to do input validation.

[Grading Criteria]