Homework 5
CS320, Spring 2011

Due: Thursday, June 2

Please upload your files to CSNS. The files should include all the source code, documentation (optional), and an HTML file hw5.html which contains a link to your application deployed on the CS3 server. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.



Continue to work on CS320Answers and implement the following features. As always, all features described in previous assignments must work; otherwise there will be a credit penalty of up to 50pt.

1. (20pt) Allow users to edit their questions. Note that a question can only be edited by its author, and the edit form should be pre-filled with the current data.

2. (20pt) Allow users to edit their answers. The requirements are the same as for editing questions.

3. (20pt) The author of a question may mark an answer as the accepted answer to the question. Each question can only have one accepted answer, and an accepted answer should be clearly labeled (e.g. with a green check mark like what Stackoverflow does).

4. (20pt+20pt) Create a tags page where the tags are listed in the order of their popularity (i.e. the number of times the tag is used). For extra credit, create a custom tag that uses different font sizes to display tags with different popularity - the more popular a tag is, the larger the font size. Use this custom tag on the tags page.

5. (+20pt) Implement paged display of the question list using Displaytag.  For this exercise you should set the page size to 4 and pre-create at least 10 questions.