Continue to work on CS320Answers and implement the following features. As always, all features described in previous assignments must work; otherwise there will be a credit penalty of up to 50pt.
1. (20pt) Allow users to edit their questions. Note that a question can only be edited by its author, and the edit form should be pre-filled with the current data.
2. (20pt) Allow users to edit their answers. The requirements are the same as for editing questions.
3. (20pt) The author of a question may mark an answer as the accepted answer to the question. Each question can only have one accepted answer, and an accepted answer should be clearly labeled (e.g. with a green check mark like what Stackoverflow does).
4. (20pt+20pt) Create a tags page where the tags are listed in the order of their popularity (i.e. the number of times the tag is used). For extra credit, create a custom tag that uses different font sizes to display tags with different popularity - the more popular a tag is, the larger the font size. Use this custom tag on the tags page.
5. (+20pt) Implement paged display of the question list using Displaytag. For this exercise you should set the page size to 4 and pre-create at least 10 questions.