Final Presentations
CS520, Spring 2008

7:30pm-10:00pm, Wednesday, June 4

Please upload your final presentation slides to CSNS. One submission from each group is sufficient. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.

Final presentations will be group presentations, and each group should consist of three or four students. Each group must choose to present one of the papers listed in the Papers section. Each group member must present at least 10 minutes, and each presentation must be at least 30 minutes and no more than 45 minutes. Please let me know what paper you choose by Wednesday, May 28. Paper selection is first-come-first-serve.

Your presentation should cover the following aspects of the paper you selected:

And here are some of the things I'll look for in each presenter:

Total points for the midterm presentation is 20, half of which is for the presentation as a whole, and the other half is for individual performance.



  1. A Maximum Entropy Web Recommendation System: Combining Collaborative and Content Features, by Xin Jin, Yanzan Zhou, Bamshad Mobasher.
  2. Google News Personalization: Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering, by Abhinandan Das, Mayur Datar, Ashutosh Garg, and Shyam Rajaram.
  3. Incorporating Contextual Information in Recommender Systems Using a Multidimensional Approach, by Gediminas Adomavicius, Ramesh Sankaranarayanan, Shahana Sen, and Alexander Tuzhilin.
  4. Item-Based Top-N Recommendation Algorithms, by Mukund Deshpande and George Karypis.
  5. Eigentaste: A Constant Time Collaborative Filtering Algorithm, by Ken Goldberg, Theresa Roeder, Dhruv Gupta, and Chris Perkins.