Quick Notes on Setting Up a Development Environment (for Wind2K/XP) ------------------------------------------------------------------- JDK . 1.5 or above . http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp . set JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed JDK . add the bin directory to your path Ant . http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi . unzip it to a directory . set ANT_HOME environment variable to that directory . add the bin directory to your path Subversion . http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91 . download the latest svn--setup.exe . add the bin directory to your path if it's not already there PostgreSQL . create an non-administrator account (e.g. postgres) on Windows . http://www.postgresql.org/ . download the latest binary release, e.g. postgresql-8.2.3-1.zip. unzip and install - leave everything to default except selecting UTF-8 for Encoding . add the bin directory to your path . it's recommended that you don't use the PostgreSQL superuser account, e.g. postgres, to perform day-to-day database operations, so create another user, e.g. cysun C:> psql -U postgres password for user postgres: ****** postgres=# create user cysun with createdb password 'abcd'; postgres=# create database cysun with owner = cysun; postgres=# \q . common psql commands: \l, \d, \q, \i, \h, \h Tomcat . need 5.5.x . download from http://tomcat.apache.org/download-55.cgi . get the zip or the service installer package of Core . unzip (or install) . copy the PostgreSQL JDBC driver (postgresql-.jdbc3.jar under the PostgreSQL directory) to common/lib under the Tomcat directory. . modify conf/servlet.xml to avoid potential port conflict . add a manager user in conf/tomcat-users.xml, e.g. . no need to install JSTL or other libraries . be aware of your firewall setttings Eclipse . need the WTP (Web Tools Platform) tools . either download the all-in-one package from http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/downloads/, or follow the instructions at http://www.eclipse.org/callisto/java.php . install the Subclipse plugin Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install ... -> Search for New Features to Install -> New Remote Site name: Subclipse url: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.2.x Finish -> Select Subclipse under Subclipse, i.e. not Mylar Integration -> click, click, ... CSNS . check out csns code from your Subversion repository from Eclipse - Window -> Open Perspective -> SVN Repository Exploring - Right click SVN Repository -> New -> Repository Location - Enter svn://cs3.calstatela.edu/cs520/s07/ in the URL textbox, where is your username on CS3 - Expand the repository, right click on the trunk folder, -> Checkout ... -> Finish - In the New Project wizard, select Java Project, and choose the options you like (ask in the forum if you are not sure what options to choose). . configure the libraries - Right click on the project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Libraries tab -> Add Jars . Optional configurations - Filter the display of the libraries - Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> Label Decoration - Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter - Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warning . Copy build.properties.sample to build.properties, and modify build.properties according to your setup. . Create some ant run configurations - Select build.xml - Click External Tools, then create new Ant Build . Check out the INSTALL file that's in the CSNS package Start Coding!