CS491B Software Design Lab

Spring 2006

Lectures TR 9:00am - 11:30am
E&T A210
Chengyu Sun, csun@calstatela.edu
Office Hours
MW 1:30-2:30pm, MW 4:10-5:10pm,  and TR 4:10-6:10pm, or by appointment, in E&T A317

  • 05/17 - Please check out the arrangment for the final presentations and information regarding project report and project submission. Next week we will not have class meetings, but I will be in my office from 10-noon on Tuesday and Thursday in case you want to discuss your project, report, or presentation. Note that the presentation slides, project report, and project files are all due on Tuesday, June 6.
  • 05/15 - Please check out the tentative schedule for the final presentations, and let me know if you want to switch to a different time slot.
  • 05/09 - Thursday May 18 will be our last class meeting before the final presentations. We will discuss the arrangement for the final presentations and other end-of-quarter issues, so please be there.
  • 04/19 - Project Report Draft is due on Thursday, May 4, and please also remember to bring a hard copy to the class. We will also do the Midterm Demos in Week 6. Please check out the schedule. Each demo will be between 5-10 minutes, and since it's not a presentation, you don't have to prepare slides and such.
  • 04/17 - Please upload your slides through CSNS once you complete your presentation. You won't receive the grade for your presentation until you do so. The same policy apply to other assignments (project report, report draft etc.) as well. No file, no credit.
  • 04/06 - We'll meet in Room A331 next Tuesday (4/11). It's just a temporary room change so we can try out the video equipment there, and on Thursday (4/13) we'll move back to A210.
  • 03/29 - Please email me the title of your presentation at least three days before the presentation, and upload your slides through CSNS after the presentation.
  • 03/29 - A representative from LA County Department of Public Works will visit our class on 4/6 to talk about an internship program there.
  • 03/26 - I will check attendance starting from Thursday 3/30. There will be a penalty of half a grade point for every two class meetings missed.
Lecture Notes
Administrative issues
Project evaluation
Effective Presentations (ppt) (pdf)
Writing Project Reports (ppt) (pdf)

2 Self Organizing Maps for Visual Data
New Features in Visual Studio 2005 Team System

Online Meal Planner: Design Considerations
Breed, Kelly
Sam Stokes (Microsoft)

Cofer, Cheralyn
3 Stars
Curve Bank Project - Baravelle Spiral

Smith, Brian

Mew, Nick
4 Phonics and Writing

History of Computing
Lemcke, Christopher

Monroy, Harumi
5 User-Centered Design

Winsock Programming
Volunteer Project Using PHP and MySQL
Li, Chao

Strom, Richard
Chien, Chia-Yao
6 Midterm Demos
Project Report Draft Due


Ruby on Rails - Making Coding Fun Again

Donnell, Danny
How to Solve Paint-By-Numbers Puzzles

Murase, Taichi
So, Cindy
Suebsureekul, Chanwit

Liv, Andre

Final Project Presentations

Final Project Presentations
Project Due