Homework 5
CS320, Spring 2006

Due: Wednesday, May 31

Please upload your files using CSNS. The files should include all the source code, documentation, and an HTML file hw5.html, which contains a link to your JSP page on the CS server. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.

[Problem Description]

For this assignment, add a registration page to the blog application you developed in Homework 4 so a user can create an new account. Also implement a custom tag <logout> so we can get rid of the last bit of scripting element from the application. Again, all features described in previous assignments must work; otherwise there will be a credit penalty of up to 30pt.
[Registration Page] (50pt)

In the registration page, ask the user to fill out a form as shown in the following example:



Retype password:

Name for your blog:
First Name (optional):

Last Name (optional):

Email (optional):

Your application should properly handle the following errors:

For each type of errors, output an error message and ask the user to re-enter the data. Note that validation of the input data should be implemented on the server side, i.e. not in JavaScript. Optional fields can be empty, which should not be treated as an error. However, if a user do provide the optional information, you must store it in the database.

Once a user is registered, they may start blogging in their own blog or making comments in existing blogs.

[Logout Tag] (20pt)

Implement a <logout> tag so that instead of using scriptlets as described in Homework 3, your logout code should look somewhat like the following:
<c:if test="${! empty param.logout}">
    <bb:logout />
    <c:redirect url="Home.jsp" />
[Extra Credit Work]

For extra credit, modify your application so that it supports two types of users: regular and admin. Once an admin user is logged in, he or she can perform several operations that are not available to regular users:
The due date for the extra credit work is Saturday, June 3, and you may turn it in as Homework 6. A hw6.html must be included, which contains a link to your JSP page on the CS server, the information of an admin account I can use to test your application, and a list of extra credit feature(s) you have implemented.