Spring 2006
Please upload your source code and other files using CSNS at the
end of the exam.
Note that file
uploading will be disabled automatically after 4:10PM, so please turn
in your work on time. Before turn in
your programs, try to
compile and run them and make sure they work correctly. If your program
does not even compile, you receive an automatic 50% credit deduction
for that
problem, no matter how "close" the program seems to be correct.
[Q&A] For the following questions, please put your answers in a
text file midterm.txt or an
MS Word file midterm.doc. For questions that could have multiple correct answers, giving one of the correct answers is enough.
1. (10pt) Given logN < N
for any N > 1, prove 2000N*logN + 2N2 = O(N2).
![Binary Search Tree [Binary Search Tree]](bst.jpg)
Figure 1. A Binary Search Tree
a. (5pt) Suppose we want to insert values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 into an
empty binary search tree. How can we order the insertions so that after
the insertions, the resulting tree will be identical to the one shown
in Figure 1?
b. (10pt) After removing 4 and 5
from the tree shown in Figure 1 using the Remove algorithm discussed in the lecture notes, we traverse the tree in
- pre-order
- in-order
- post-order
For each case, list the nodes in the order in which they are visited.
[Programming] Consider an OrderedLinkedList class, which is similar
to the DoubleLinkedList class we implemented in Homework 1, except
that the nodes in the list are always sorted based on the value field
in the ListNode class. Note that there is a class variable order in the
OrderedLinkedList class, which indicates whether the nodes are sorted in
ascending order or descending order. For this problem, you must
complete the OrderedLinkedList class by implementing the following two
- (35pt) void reverse() - reverses the list, or in other words, if the nodes are sorted in ascending order before reverse() is called, then after
reverse() is called, they will be sorted in descending order, and vice
versa. Note that the worse-case complexity of your reverse() method must be
linear or better; otherwise you will not receive any credit.
- (40pt) OrderedLinkedList merge(OrderedLinkedList other) - merges two ordered lists into a new ordered list. Note that
- merge() returns a new list and should not change the two
original lists.
- The two original lists may be sorted in different order, e.g.
one may be in ascending order and the other may be in descending order.
- The new list should be sorted in ascending order.
- The worst-case complexity of the merge() method must be linear (or better), i.e.
O(N+M) where N and M are the numbers of nodes in the two original
lists; otherwise you will not receive any credit.
(+30pt) For extra credit, rewrite the insert() method using recursion.