Homework 4
CS203, Spring 2006

Due: Thursday, June 1

Please upload your source code and other files using CSNS. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.

[Problem Description]

A map is a data structure for storing and accessing a collection of object pairs, which are commonly referred to as <key, value> pairs. For example, a dictionary can be stored in a map, where the keys are the words and the values are the meanings of the words, e.g. <"River", "A stream of water.">.  For this assignment, you are going to implement a generic HashMap<K,V> class, which uses a hash table to manage the <key, value> pairs. In particular, HashMap<K,V> provides at least the following methods:

(20pt) Write some code to properly test your HashMap<K,V> class.

[About Hashing]

For hash function, you may use key.hashCode()%ht.size, where key.hashCode() is the hashCode() of the key object, and ht.size is the size of the hash table.

For collision resolution, you must use quadratic probing. Note that in order for quadratic probing to work properly, you must call resize() whenever the hash table is half full. Also note that when you create a new array for the enlarged hash table, you cannot simply copy over the elements from the old array, because the hash index of a <key, value> pair may have changed; so instead, you should do a re-hashing, which basically takes the data from the old hash table and re-insert them into the new hash table.