Lectures: |
Monday and Wednesday 10:50am -
12:30pm, in E&T
A210 |
Lab: |
Friday 10:00am - 12:30pm, in
A210 |
Instructor: |
Chengyu Sun Email: csun@calstatela.edu Office: E&T A317 Office Hour: MTWR 2:00-4:00pm, or by appointment |
Description: |
This is a programming course at
a beginner's level using the Java programming language. No previous
knowledge of programming required. We will cover all the basics of a
computer program, including constants, variables, operators,
statements, and functions (or methods
in Java terminology). We will also discuss simple graphics and GUI
programming using Java applets. |
Textbook(s): |
Tools: |
Required - Email and Borland
JBuilder X (or J2SE 1.4.x) Optional (for access online lecture notes) - Adobe Acroread and/or MS PowerPoint |
Policy: |
Assignments 35% Midterm 30% Final 35% |
Schedule: |
Resources: |
Integrity: |
Cheating will not be tolerated.
Cheating on any assignment or exam will be taken seriously. All
parties involved will receive a grade of F for the course and be reported to
the Academic Senate. |