Homework 5
CS201, Spring 2004
Due: 10AM, Friday, May 21
Please email your solutions to csun@calstatela.edu,
and make sure to use CS201 Spring 04
HW5 as the subject of the email. The email should include your
name, the .java
files for all the exercises as attachments. I will check email timestamps,
and late homework will not be
1. (15pt) Write a method squareOfAsterisks that displays a solid square
(the same number of rows and columns) of asterisks whose side is
specified in integer parameter side. For example, if side is 4, the
method displays the following pattern:
Write a Java program to test your method. [This problem is adopted from D&D Ex 6.18]
2. (15pt) [D&D] Ex 6.29. Write a Java application instead of an
applet, and use either System.out.println or
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog for outoput.
3. (20pt) Write a recursive method numOfZeroes() to count the number of 0 digits in an interger. For example, numOfZeroes(100) should return 2, while numOfZeroes(1234) should return 0. Write a Java program to test your method.
4. (30pt) [D&D] 6.14 and 6.36. Ignore the requirements about
applets or JTextfield. Just include both methods in a Java application
and test them properly.