Homework 3
CS122, Spring 2004
Due: Tuesday, May 4
Please send the solutions to csun@calstatela.edu
by email. Make sure to use CS122
Spring 04 HW3 as the subject of the email, and include in the
your name so I don't have to guess names from
email addresses.
0. Read Chapter 5 of the textbook except the section about DISTINCTROW, and read Chapter 9 of
the textbook up to the Function of
Functions section.
Use Books.mdb for the following
problems [Abbott]:
1. (5pt) List the book categories and the average number of pages in
the books in each category.
2. (5pt) List the book categories and the average number of pages in
the books in each category, excluding the categories where the average
number of pages is less than 200.
3. (5pt) List the book categories and the average number of pages in
the books in each category, excluding the categories where the average
book price is less than $20.
4. (5pt) List the titles ordered by the length of the title. If two
titles have the same length, order them alphabetically.
5. (5pt) List summer readings, e.g. titles that were published in July
or August.
6. (5pt) List the books published in the last 4 years. Note that your
query should remain correct in the future, which means the number 2004
should not appear anywhere in the query.
7. (5pt) List the author names in the form <first initial>,
period, space, <last name>, e.g. C. Sun. Order the results first by
last name, then first name. Do not list authors who do not have both a
first name and a last name in the database.