Homework 2
CS122, Spring 2004

Due: Thursday, April 22

Please send the solutions to csun@calstatela.edu by email. Make sure to use CS122 Spring 04 HW2 as the subject of the email, and include in the email your name so I don't have to guess names from email addresses.

0. Read Chapter 4 of the textbook.

Use Books.mdb for the following problems:

1. (5pt) List the title and the first author of the books in the database.

2. (5pt) Find what type(s) of books Abatis Publishers publishes. Do not allow duplicates in the result.

3. (10pt) List the net profit made by each book, assuming net profit can be calculated with the following formula [Abbott]:
price * sales * 10% - advance

4. (10pt) Design a query to find out whether Hallie Hull and Klee Hull have written any book together. Use proper column heading(s) for your query result.

5.(10pt) List all pairs of authors who live in the same state as each other. Do not allow duplicate listings, e.g. the same pair listed in two different orders or an author listed with himself or herself. [Abbott]