Exercise 4
CS122, Spring 2004
Thursday, April 15
Use Student.mdb:
1. Chapter 4, Ex 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. For 5(a), 6(a), and 7(a), order
the results by instructor name in descending order, and for 5(b), 6(b),
and 7(b), order the results by course name in descending order.
Use Movies.mdb:
2. List the movies whose overall grosses are higher than that of 50 First Dates.
Use Books.mdb:
3. Find the phone number of the author of the book Kiss My Boo-Boo.
4. Write Query 4 from the last lab assignment ("Sarah Buchman's
royalies") using INNER JOIN.
[Query 1.4] SELECT c.course_name from Course c, Prereq p WHERE
c.course_number = p.course_number;
[Query 1.5]
(a) SELECT s.instructor, c.course_name, s.semester, s.year FROM
Section s INNER JOIN Course c on s.course_num = c.course_number ORDER
BY s.instructor DESC;
(b) SELECT c.course_name, s.instructor, c.offering_dept FROM Section s
INNER JOIN Course c on s.course_num = c.course_number ORDER BY
c.course_name DESC;
[Query 1.6]
[Query 1.7]
[Query 1.8]
[Query 2] SELECT b.title FROM Box_office a, Box_office b WHERE
a.title='50 First Dates' AND b.cgross > a.cgross;
[Query 3] SELECT a.phone FROM Authors a, Titles t, Title_authors ta
WHERE t.title_name='Kiss My Boo-Boo' AND t.title_id = ta.title_id AND
ta.au_id = a.au_id;
[Query 4]
SELECT t.title_name as [Book Titles], t.price * t.sales
* r.royalty_rate as [Royalties] FROM Titles t, Authors a, Title_authors
ta, Royalties r WHERE a.au_fname = 'Sarah' AND a.au_lname = 'Buchman'
AND a.au_id = ta.au_id AND ta.title_id = t.title_id AND t.title_id =
SELECT t.title_name as [Book Titles], t.price * t.sales *
r.royalty_rate as [Royalites] FROM Authors a INNER JOIN ( Title_authors
ta INNER JOIN ( Titles t INNER JOIN Royalties r ON t.title_id =
r.title_id ) ON ta.title_id = t.title_id ) ON a.au_id = ta.au_id WHERE
a.au_fname = 'Sarah' AND a.au_lname = 'Buchman';