Exercise 10
CS122, Spring 2004

Thursday, June 3

(20pt) Chapter 6, 8, and 10. Use Student.mdb:

1. Exercise 10.1. Assume we do not use DISTINCT in any of the three queries, the result of the join query would be different from the results of the two subquery queries, e.g. one name may appear multiple times in the result of the join query, while the results of the subquery queries do not have such duplicates. Explain why.

2. Exercise 10.5

3. Exercise 10.7. With the NULL valued row added, complete the following three queries:
(a) Find the names of the departments that have secretaries using IN.
(b) Change IN in query (a) to NOT IN and explain the result.
(c) Find the names of the departments that do not have secretaries using NOT EXISTS.


[Query 1] Without DISTINCT, if a student got multiple C's, the name of the student will appear in the result multiple times. In the two subquery cases, the outer query iterates through each student only once.

(a) SELECT s.sname FROM Student s, Grade_report g WHERE s.stno = g.student_number AND g.grade = 'C' ORDER BY s.sname;
(b) SELECT s.sname FROM Student s WHERE s.stno IN (SELECT g.student_number FROM Grade_report g WHERE g.grade = 'C') ORDER BY s.sname;
(c) SELECT s.sname FROM Student s WHERE EXISTS (SELECt 1 FROM Grade_report g WHERE g.student_no = s.stno AND g.grade = 'C') ORDER BY s.sname;

[Query 2] SELECT a.company FROM Plants a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT b.plantlo FROM Plants b WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT c.company, c.plantlo FROM Plants c WHERE c.company = a.company AND c.plantlo = b.plantlo));

[Query 3] The behavior of comparing a NULL value to a non-null value is undefined.

(a) SELECT d.dname from Department_to_major d WHERE d.dcode IN (SELECT s.dcode FROM Secretary s);
(b) SELECT d.dname from Department_to_major d WHERE d.dcode NOT IN (SELECT s.dcode FROM Secretary s);
(c) SELECT d.dname from Department_to_major d WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Secretary s WHERE s.dcode = d.dcode);

In the final we will use Lyric2K.mdb from SQL Essentials by Gary Randolph and Jeffrey Griffin. Here's the description of the database taken from the book:

Lyric Music is an e-commerce company that provides web services to music artists. Among its services are offering mp3 and Real Audio files for download, selling CDs, and developing promotional materials for artists.

4. For each lead source, list the number of artists who came into the system through that lead source.

5. List the length of the longest Real Audio track in the "metal" genre.

6. List each title from the Titles table along with the name of the studio where it was recorded.

7. List the studio names and the first name of each studio contact.

8. List the cities and regions that have both members and artists.