Lab 2. Joins
CS122, Fall 2011

(35pt) Complete the following exercises. For each exercise, write one query using the equi-join syntax and one query using the inner join syntax. Please put your queries in an SQL script file lab2.sql and upload it to CSNS at the end of the lab. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 4:00pm, and late submission will not be accepted.

1. List each title from the Titles table along with the name of the studio where it was recorded.

2. List the names of the responsible parties along with the artist name of the artist they are response for.

3. List the tracks by The Nerotics which are longer than 4 minutes.

4. List the names of the members of The Bullets.

5. Find the genres of the titles produced by the studio Lone Star Recording.

6. Find the name of the artist who recorded the song "Shoes".

7. List the names of the members whom the salesperson Lisa Williams is in charge of.