CS491B Project Presentation, Report, and Submission

Due: Friday, December 5

Please upload your presentation slides, project report, and project source code and documentation to CSNS. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.

Project Presentation

The project presentations will be held in E&T A331 on Friday, November 21, and Friday, December 5. Please check out the schedule below:

Friday, November 21
10:00AM - 12:30PM
Friday, December 5
10:00AM - 12:30PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM
Guanhua Xie Thet Naing Wayne Wong
Winrich Peralta Carlo Marini Ramandeep Singh
Jorge Medina Milad Khalil Emmanuel Sotelo
Jesus Fabian Gaurang Jadia Ruddy Santos
Michael Dahl Maria Colon Pratik Shah

Roice Allred Deepak Kumar

Michael Allen Hong Ngo

Anuj Nagar

Each presentation is 20 minutes, including 5 to 10 minutes of project demo. The demo should showcase the features and usage of your project, while the presentation covers other aspects of the project, such as motivation, theory, algorithm, design, implementation, and any insights you gained during the project development. After the presentation, please upload your presentation slides to CSNS.

Project Report (Final Draft)

Please revise your project report based on my comments to the last draft. The final draft is due on Friday, December 5. Please upload an electronic copy to CSNS, and do not turn in any hard copy. The report should have at least 12 pages and no more than 16 pages, excluding References and Appendices. Other requirements are the same as the previous draft.

Project Submission

The project is due on Friday, December 5. Please submit all the source code and documentation for your project in a zip or gzip file to CSNS.