Setup and Configuration for
This document describes a step-by-step procedure to install a Tomcat
server with additional packages under Windows 2000/XP.
Before installing Tomcat, make sure you already have J2SE 1.5 or above
installed. If not, download the latest JDK and
install it first.
[Download and Installation]
Download Tomcat 6.0.14 binary release from the Apache
Project (just the "Core"
package), and unzip the files to a local
directory, e.g. d:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14.
Note that there are several Tomcat versions available for
download. Version 6.0.14 is the current stable version that supports
the latest Servlet and JSP specifications, and is the version that we
are going to use in the class. Also note that for installation on
Windows, you may choose to download either a ZIP file or an EXE file. If
you want to setup Tomcat as a service on Windows 2000/XP,
should download the EXE file; otherwise you should download the ZIP
file because installation from the ZIP file does not require
administrator privilege.
[Environment Variables]
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where J2SE is
installed, e.g d:\j2sdk.
To check
whether these environment variables are set properly, open a Command
Prompt and do:
> echo
[Understand Tomcat Directory Structure]
Some key Tomcat directories, all relative to the directory where it is
installed (and I'll later refer to this directory as %CATALINA_HOME%)
are the following:
- bin - Startup, shutdown, and
other scripts. The .sh files
are for Unix systems, and the .bat
files are for Windows
- conf - Configuration files.
The ones that need to be edited later
are web.xml
and tomcat-users.xml.
- lib - various libraries packaged in JAR files
- webapps - This is where the
web applications go.
[1st Test Run]
Start Tomcat server by running the startup.bat
script. Open a
browser window and go to URL http://localhost:8080,
and the
"Congratulation" page should appear.
Shutdown Tomcat server by running the shutdown.bat
[Understand Web Application Directory Structure]
Like the Tomcat server itself, each web application has its own
directory structure, rooted at docBase
specified in the context
file. Assume your docBase
is set to cs320stu31 as described in
the last
section, you need to create the following subdirectories under
- cs320stu31
- cs320stu31\WEB-INF
- cs320stu31\WEB-INF\classes
- cs320stu31\WEB-INF\lib
[Additional Libraries]
Download the MySQL JDBC Driver, MySQL
Connector/J from,
and extract mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar to
Download JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) from the Apache
Project, and extract jstl.jar and standard.jar to %CATALINA_HOME%\lib.
[2nd Test Run]
Download web.xml to your docBase/WEB-INF directory.
Download HelloJSTL.jsp
your docBase
directory, and use a browser to
access it at http://localhost:8080/username/HelloJSTL.jsp, and you
should see the message "Hello World in JSTL".
Download HelloServlet.class
to your
docBase/WEB-INF/classes directory, access it with the URL
http://localhost:8080/username/HelloServlet, and your should
see a
message "Servlet invoked!" and the display of current time.
Q: How do I set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on Windows 2000/XP?
A: Right click on My Computer and select Properties -> Advanced
-> Environment Variable. Check whether JAVA_HOME is already defined,
and if not, click on New to add it to either User Variables or Systems
Variables (create new System Variables will require administrator
privilege). The variable name is JAVA_HOME, and the variable value is
the path to the folder where your JDK is installed, e.g. d:\j2sdk. Note
that you may need to restart the computer (or logout of your account
then login again) to let the new environment variable take effect.
Q: I followed all the instructions but when I tried to access
HelloJSTL.jsp, I got the error message org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
absolute uri: cannot be resolved in
either web.xml or
the jar files deployed with this application.
A: go to the lib folder under your tomcat folder and
see whether standard.jar and jstl.jar are there. Sometimes WinZip will
create a subfolder under lib (e.g.
If so, find the two jar files in that subfolder and move them to lib.
THE END (or the beginning of a fun class)