Homework 4
CS320, Fall 2006
Due: Wednesday, November 22
Please upload your files using CSNS. The
files should include all the source code, documentation, and an
file hw4.html,
contains a link to your JSP page on the CS3 server. Note that file
uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM
of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.
[Problem Description]
For this assignment, modify the online album application you
developed in Homework
3 so that it stores all
the information about users, albums, folders, and pictures in a database.
Again, all features described in previous assignments must work;
otherwise there will be a credit penalty of up to 40pt.
[Database] (35pt)
Design database tables to store information about users, albums,
folders, and pictures. Since this is not a database class, you do not
to worry
about normal forms and such. However, you have to make sure that your
database design is functional and correct, for example, a username
attribute should have a UNIQUE constraint to ensure that no one can
register a user name that is identical to an existing user name. For
this part of the assignment, you need to turn in a hw4.sql
file which include
statements to create all the tables in the database, and the statements
to populate the tables so that each table has at least two records.
[JSP] (40pt)
Once the database is set up, modify your application
that it uses the database to store all the
information. Note that you do not have to create a user registration
page - we will leave that for the next assignment.
[Discussion] (5pt)
We have discussed two ways to access a database: a) using JDBC in Java
beans, and b) using SQL tag library in JSP pages. In
your hw4.html, briefly
discuss the pros and cons of these two
approaches, and which approach you used in your application for what