Final Project Demo
CS520, Fall 2005

Due: Monday, December 5

Please upload your project using the online turnin server. One submission from each group is sufficient. Note that file uploading will be disabled automatically after 11:59PM of the due date, so please turn in your work on time.

The final demo will be 25 minutes. Each demo must consist of the following three components:
During the demo I will ask you questions about design and implementation details, as well as your contribution to the project. The answers to these questions will determine your Individual Performance score (see the [Grading] section). Again, please make sure you are familiar with all the code of your project, whether the code is written by yourself or not.

Before the final demo, you may want to rehearse a couple of times to make sure that
After the final demo, please upload all your documentation, source code, and presentation slides using the turnin server. There will be a late penalty if I don't receive these by midnight December 5. Please also send me an email for your course grade (or you can find it out later on GET).


The final demo will account for 55% of your project score, and the breakdown of the score is as follows:
Note that Peer Evaluation in the original Project Requirements is replace by Individual Performance evaluated by me. The change is made so that the grade better reflects the actual work done by each group member.


The demos will be in the following order (roughly alphabetical):